After searching with many strict criteria, I found one good company that paid high dividend yield to its investor. Beside that, the company also have a good fundamental so it will be a great company for income investors. The company is Altria Group Inc (Ticker: MO).
Here is the information about the company:
Company Name: Altria Group Inc. (Ticker:MO)
Previous Close Price: $16.92 (May 26, 2009)
Dividend Yield : 7.70%
Dividend Rate: $1.25
5 Year Average Dividend Yield : 16.20%
Dividend Paid Since: 1928
P/E ratio: 11.35
Revenue: $16.17 Billion
Net Income: $3.07 Billion
Profit Margin: 18.96%
Total Cash: $3.86 Billion
From informations above, we can assume that Altria is a company which give a better dividend yield (7.70 %) and they paid their investors since 1928. This was a long enough term record of dividend paid by the company. Beside that, the company is quite cheap where the P/E ratio are only 11.35 whereas the industry P/E ratio are 13.59. The profit margin was also cool, around 18.96%.
By reading the company information (Altria), now you can choose the company that care and loyal enough to their investors like you.
Stay alert!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
High Dividend Yield Stock For Income Investors (May 27, 2009)
8:19 AM
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